Rules and Regulations
1. The deed to a lot conveys only the right of burial therein. The Association retains control and supervision of all lots which have been sold; and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to prohibit, modify or remove any structure, object or adornment on such lot which may have been
placed thereon in violation of the rules, or which may be considered objectionable or injurious to the lot or adjoining lots, or to the general appearance of the Cemetery.
2. Permanent plantings of trees and shrubs are made before a section is offered for sale for immediate use.
3. No new trees or shrubs will be permitted. Trees or shrubs planted by family members will be removed.
4. The Association undertakes to maintain as nearly as may be practical the plantings of trees and shrubs which serve as a background, and to preserve the landscape features as planned. It does not undertake to maintain such plantings upon individual lots.
5. The Superintendent may, at his discretion, allow the planting of flowers and the placing of vases provided the lot owner agrees to give proper care to the planting throughout the season. If the work is neglected and becomes unsightly, the Superintendent shall remove the plants and seed the bed or store the vase.
6. The making of flower beds on a grave is permitted. Planting small flowers is permitted only within one foot in front of marker. Mulch base permitted.
7. If any tree or shrub standing on any lot shall, by means of its roots, branches or otherwise become detrimental, dangerous or inconvenient to adjacent lots or walkways, or if it should become unsightly, the Superintendent shall have the right to remove such tree or shrub or any part thereof he may deem necessary.
8. No enclosures of any nature, such as fences, copings, hedges, ditches, railings, decorative stones or curbing will be permitted around or upon any lot. Also, no glass of any kind is permitted. (Ex: vases, candles etc.)
9. All foundations for headstones and monuments shall be built by the Cemetery Association.
10. Flowers will be removed from the grave at the discretion of the Superintendent and the grave filled, sodded or seeded after the earth has settled to permit this work.
11. Absolutely NO balloons of any kind are permitted. They will be immediately removed. (Effective January 1, 2022)
12. NO glass of any kind. (Vases, candles etc.)
Important Dates to Remember:
MARCH 15: A general cleanup of the grounds (this includes all flowers, plants, artificial arrangements, solar lights, etc.) will take place on March 15th. If you wish to salvage any grave decoration, please remove before March 15th.
MAY 1 – OCT 1: Artificial decorations will not be permitted. (Effective 1-1-11) These include:
1. Plastic and silk flowers
2. All statuary
3. Shepherd’s hooks
4. Styrofoam decorations
5. Wreaths
6. All crosses
Permitted: Fresh flowers, eternal flames, solar lights and approved cemetery vases. Solar lights must be approved by the Cemetery with a limit of 2 per single plot and 4 per double plot. (Effective January 1, 2022)
OCT 1: All fresh flowers and plants, except mums, will be removed.
**Contact the Cemetery for a complete detailed copy of the rules and regulations. Please note: They are subject to change without notice.